3rd Generation Machine
Our latest system was developed to treat all types of plastics including PET and PVC and turn them back into high quality raw materials, with high environmental value, regardless of the seasonal period or percentage of solid material contained in the raw material.
Organized by models with different heating methods, we have:
Molten Salt Heated Reactor
Reactor with Electric Heating
Gas Heated Reactor
We developed a molten salt heating reactor, which has heating rates very close to micro-scale flash, but we also have full control of gradual heating, where the temperature can be adjusted as needed. In this reactor, the different possible compositions of molten salt can also be tested, as the manufacturing material of the reactor and the heating vessel are made with special alloys for this function. Regarding the chemical reaction process regarding the Reactor, it has a liquid capacity of up to 12.7 liters, plus 2.3 liters of reflux area or free area. The set is equipped with: Molten salt reservoir tank with electrical resistances; Safety valve, which can be adjusted to the maximum working pressure, where if pressure exceeds the limit, the extra pressure will automatically be directed to an expansion tank; Flow control valve; Flow display, to visualize the flow of gas and oil at the reactor exit; Temperature control panel and pressure monitoring; Flexible piping, to accommodate the difference in expansion; Nitrogen or inert gas injection point; Gas collection point; Tubular heat exchanger; Oil tank/reservoir; Gas exhaust piping All of our equipment can be configured to meet the electrical needs of the location to be installed.
Electric heating reactor, equipped with electrical resistances around the reactor core, also with full gradual heating control, where the temperature can be adjusted as needed. It has a liquid capacity of up to 2 liters, with a free area of 0.5 liters. The set is equipped with: Electrical resistors according to the needs of the location to be installed; Safety valve, which can be adjusted to the maximum working pressure, where if pressure exceeds the limit, the extra pressure will automatically be directed to an expansion tank; Flow control valve; Flow display, to visualize the flow of gas and oil at the reactor exit; Temperature control panel and pressure monitoring; Flexible piping, to accommodate the difference in expansion; Nitrogen or inert gas injection point; Gas collection point; Tubular heat exchanger; Oil tank/reservoir; Gas exhaust piping All of our equipment can be configured to meet the physical needs of the laboratory, configuring a vertical or horizontal rack.
Gas heating reactor, equipped with a direct flame around the reactor core, also with full gradual heating control, where the temperature can be adjusted as needed. It has a liquid capacity of up to 4 liters, with a free area of 1 liter. The set is equipped with: Thermal insulation external to the reactor and heat deflectors with industrial gas burners; Burning exhaust piping with auxiliary exhaust motor; Safety valve, which can be adjusted to the maximum working pressure, where if pressure exceeds the limit, the extra pressure will automatically be directed to an expansion tank; Flow control valve; Flow display, to visualize the flow of gas and oil at the reactor exit; Temperature control panel and pressure monitoring; Flexible piping, to accommodate the difference in expansion; Nitrogen or inert gas injection point; Gas collection point; Tubular heat exchanger; Oil tank/reservoir; Gas exhaust piping All of our equipment can be configured to meet the physical needs of the laboratory, configuring a vertical or horizontal rack.